Thursday, May 1, 2008

Training My Butt

So I am a month away from the start of the big show, and starting to get really excited and nervous and even more excited! Fundraising is getting close to being done, needed supplies are almost all done being purchased, and I am now just trying to train my butt as much as possible to get used to being on a small and narrow bicycle seat for many hours on end.
I am riding this weekend in the MS ride, which leaves from UM's very own BankUnited Center (PS- Josh just got his job officially with Bank United and I'm really proud of him) and goes down to John Pennekamp Park in Key Largo. It will be 75miles there, we will stay over night in a hotel Saturday, and then the 75miles back to school on Sunday. I am really happy to be participating in this ride since it will give me some good experience for my cross country craziness coming up rather quickly. Claudette (or as Josh likes to call her - my "Bacardi Lady") has been so awesome in helping me in my training and lack of bicycle knowledge. She was kind enough to squeeze me onto the Bacardi team for this ride when one of the riders dropped out. It is going to be super fun! We are leaving around 6:30am on Saturday, so if you're around you should definitely come find me and wave me off. I'm sure some of you are going to be up still from a long night on South Beach hahaha. ;)

For those of you who are not cyclists, let me just say that getting your butt used to being on a bike for many hours and miles is a hard process. Thanks again to many of my new cycling buddies, they have introduced me to butt cream, which is way helpful. You can buy it at any cycling store and it truly works wonders. You rub some onto the inside of your spandex or right onto your nether regions and it helps cut down on the friction between the padding in your shorts and your sensitive private parts to prevent rubbing and chaffing and soreness. Good stuff. The best part of my whole experience with the butt cream (besides that is really does help cut down on soreness) is that one of the samples Claudette gave me to try had a brand name of "As-Master". HAHAHA nough said

I am happy to share that after my one fall into a car, which thank god the car was there and broke my fall, I have had slim to none negative clipless pedal experiences. Whooo! I am actually really starting to get the hang of this cycling thing. I do learn something new every time I go out and ride, which is good. But most of all it is so so so fun! I can't really describe it, but it is challenging and takes a lot of focus, but is relaxing and exhilerating at the same time. For those of you who do not already know, I am having a love affair with my bicycle... which right now is good since I will be spending a long 2 1/2 months with it this summer. Lets just hope it turns into a long term relationship, and not just a fling I want to avoid half way through my trip.

I will let y'all know how the 150miles this weekend goes when I get back Sunday night. Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

A blog about your trip over the summer, what a brilliant idea. I'm taking partial credit.

Anyways, thanks for that in-depth description of butt cream, yikes!

It sounds like you are in for quite a blast this weekend, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Have Fun!

jason lortie said...

Only you would take an entire paragraph to describe butt cream. I will def be reading all of your updates!

Im proud of you! Love Ya


mom said...

way to go sunshine.....i know you will be successful in your adventure this summer. proud of you!

Unknown said...

Hey Jess!

Love reading your blogs! You really make me laugh. I will keep up with you during the summer.